What Is the Average Cost of a Divorce in Utah?

According to ContractsCounsel, the average cost for a contested divorce in the USA is between $7,000 and $20,000, depending on the complexity of the case; these numbers are similar to average divorce expenses in Utah. The cost of filing and completing an uncontested divorce in Utah can be around $1,000-$2,000, of which $325 will be filing fees.

The cost of officially terminating your marriage depends on the strategies and tools you choose and the effort and time you commit to your case. Discover the possible options and finalize your relationships without complications in Salt Lake City or anywhere else in the state.

How Much Does a Divorce Cost in Utah?

The word divorce laid out in beads with letters near the notepad and wedding rings

The average cost of divorce always depends on the unique family situation and can be from a few hundred dollars to $20,000 or more. The process may be quick and straightforward or take longer and become more complicated due to specific circumstances or disagreements between spouses.

One of the determining factors in the complexity of your divorce is the statutory grounds for ending your marriage. If one of the parties is guilty of failed relationships, you will need to start a fault-based divorce. For an amicable split, a no-fault process is the best way out.

To answer the question, “How expensive are divorces in Utah?” let’s focus on both types of cases below.

Fault Divorce

A fault divorce means that either you or your spouse holds the guilt for bringing your relationship to an end. According to Utah Code § 30-3-1(3), fault-based grounds for marriage dissolution include:

  • Alcoholism;
  • Adultery;
  • Impotence;
  • Desertion for more than a year;
  • Failure to provide for the petitioner;
  • Conviction for a felony;
  • Cruel treatment;
  • Incurable insanity.

In each of these cases, you ought to file for a fault divorce, collect evidence of the other party’s guilt, and hire an attorney to defend your rights in court. The cost of divorce lawyers in Utah will greatly define the overall divorce price.

Divorce Attorney Cost in Utah

Commonly, the local divorce lawyer prices range between $200 and $400 per hour. The time the law expert spends on your case depends on the number of issues you cannot agree on, the complexity of your situation, the papers you need to prepare with their help, etc. On average, you may expect to spend from $7,000 to $15,000 or more for a contested marriage termination in Utah. Naturally, the more complicated the case, the more money you spend.

No-Fault Divorce

If you are after a low-cost divorce in Utah, you should do your best to end your marriage amicably. In such a case, a no-fault reason for marriage dissolution would be the best option. In Utah, such grounds include irreconcilable differences and 3 consecutive years of separate living under a decree of separate maintenance (Utah Code § 30-3-1(3)).

Besides, you must be ready to discuss and cooperate with your spouse on your marriage termination issues to ensure the case is agreed upon. This way, you will reduce your divorce expenses easily and reach desirable results quickly.

The average cost of an uncontested divorce in Utah varies between $1,000 and $2,000. Yet, if you can cope without a divorce attorney and dispute settlement and come to mutual divorce agreements on your own, you may spend as low as around $400 in court fees. Our online help with divorce papers preparation will add only $139 to this sum.

How Much Does It Cost to File for Divorce?

Whether you opt for contested or uncontested marriage dissolution, you still need to pay a mandatory Utah divorce filing fee. The officially stipulated cost to file divorce papers in the state is $325. Slight variations are possible depending on the county.

If you face financial difficulties and cannot cover legal fees, you can ask for legal aid or check if you qualify for a fee waiver.

When your marital situation allows you to choose amicable marriage termination, go for it. In this case, you will pay several hundred to end your failed relationships and move on to a better life soon.

Additional Fees Involved in a Utah Divorce

In addition to court filing fees, you should be ready for other common expenses.

A traditional divorce procedure in Utah also entails other processes and actions that may come at a certain cost. Here’s what you need to expect:

  • Additional Filing Fees. But for the initial petition, you may need to file supplementary motions and requests concerning children, temporary or restrictive orders, etc. Every document requires an additional fee. Check the court filing schedule to have an idea of these costs.
  • Fees for Certificates. The average cost of obtaining a certificate from the Office of Vital Records and Statistics ranges between $15 and $30.
  • Copying Costs. Normally, you are supposed to file the originals and make a certain number of copies of the completed divorce paperwork. Copies usually cost $4-$6 per page.
  • Fees to Serve the Petition and Summons. Service of process fees depend on the type of documents, county, and who delivers them. The exact fee schedules are available at each county’s official Sheriff’s Office website.
  • Education Courses Fees. Utah law mandates all divorcing parties with children under 18 years old to undergo an obligatory Divorce Education course (Utah Code § 30-3-11.3) and a Divorce Orientation course (Utah Code § 30-3-11.4). The classes cost $35 and $30 per person, respectively. It is highly advisable to choose only court-approved providers to present reliable certificates afterward. You can find detailed information concerning courses, their cost, requirements, and any propositions on the website of the Judicial Branch of Utah.
  • Divorce Mediation Program Fees. If the case is contested, the court mandates that the divorcing couple undergoes at least one session of the Domestic Mediation Program (Utah Code § 30-3-39). Mediators in Utah usually charge from $30 to $300 per hour, depending on location, experience, reputation, and background.
  • Other Experts Fees. In addition to mediators and lawyers, contested cases often involve other specialists, such as custody evaluators, vocational experts, business appraisers, forensic accountants, etc. All these experts may also charge hourly or offer a fixed-fee package for their services.
  • Online Court Assistance Program (OCAP) Fees. Utah offers a special program for couples who want to do everything themselves without involving attorneys. However, OCAP is not free and entails some fees for each document.

By the way, if you want to get an uncontested divorce online in Utah and need help with the documents, you may use our paperwork preparation service. The fixed fee for a set of case-specific and filled-out forms is only $139.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Divorce in Utah

To determine the approximate cost of your divorce case, you should consider the specifics of your situation and your personal intentions. Here are the common points that may impact your divorce expenses:


You should create a working parental plan to regulate custody and visitation. Remember that your agreements have to satisfy the best interests of your kids in the first place. If you can cooperate and agree with your spouse, you may finalize your divorce quickly and cheaply. Contrarily, if you decide to fight only to spite your soon-to-be ex, you may lose more money and rights.

Contested cases involving custody battles tend to drag on for months and drain your bank account with the hourly rates of your lawyer, custody evaluators, and other counselors and appraisers. Besides, the emotional tension of such processes negatively influences your own mental health and, more importantly, the psychological well-being of your children.

Therefore, you would benefit much more if you cooperate and settle all child-related matters with your spouse amicably. In Utah, you may spend around $20,000 if you cannot agree on the custody issues right away and need court intervention.

Property Division

The court will divide your assets considering equitable distribution principles, which means that both parties’ needs, opportunities, health conditions, and economic situations will be taken into account before the settlement is made. Yet, if you bicker about your business and personal property and fail to cooperate from the start, be ready to spend around $30,000 on your case.


Legal Expenses

Utah attorneys charge between $200 and $400 per hour on average, so your expenses will depend on the total time they spend on your case. For example, if a law expert only prepares your docs for filing and provides general consultations, 2.5 hours may be enough for you. Besides, the more complicated your case is, the more professionals you need to involve and pay hourly each of them.

Courtroom Battles

If you cannot settle your case without a trial, get ready to see your bank accounts depleted. Average cases that include settling disputes during the trials may cost you between $23,000 and $27,000.

Overall, a simple and amicable divorce is key to the cheap and fast dissolution of your marriage. Consider the details of your case and opt for cooperation if you want a beneficial divorce outcome satisfying all parties involved.


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